Quantitative Reasoning & Computation


Our math progression offers two or three options for each year as a core curriculum. The Art of Problem Solving sequence, beginning with Beast Academy in the elementary is the most rigorous, but it is not the best fit for all students. There are other math programs that, when paired with engaged teaching, can provide a truly solid foundation in math. The Supplementary Materials section includes books, games, and other resources that cover programming, logic, and math topics beyond the core curriculum. In the Other Resources section, you will find our recommendations for fiction and nonfiction texts that address math, computer science, and related topics. We will edit and add to these list as we come across resources we think are worth sharing.

Early Primary (years 1 & 2)

Core Curriculum

  • Option 1: Miquon Math: A wonderful, hands-on early math curriculum that uses cuisenaire rods to introduce and teach concepts.
  • Option 2: Math Mammoth 1-2: A more traditional, but very solid math curriculum. The text is written to the student, and there is ample review for those who need it.
  • Option 3: Beast Academy Grade 2: A discovery-based math curriculum. The comic-book guides and cartoon characters belie the often intensely challenging content.

Supplementary Materials

Other Resources

Late Primary (years 3 & 4)

Core Curriculum

  • Option 1: Math Mammoth 3-4: A more traditional, but very solid math curriculum. The text is written to the student, and there is ample review for those who need it.
  • Option 2: Beast Academy 3-4: A discovery-based math curriculum. The comic-book guides and cartoon characters bely the often intensely challenging content.

Supplementary Materials

Other Resources

Early Intermediate (years 5 & 6)

Core Curriculum

  • Option 1: Math Mammoth: Levels 5 & 6
  • Option 2: Art of Problem Solving: Beast Academy 5 and Pre-Algebra: The Pre-Algebra book is a big step up from the Beast Academy series in terms of format and approach, but not in terms of content. If students completed all levels of Beast Academy, they should be well prepared to work at this level. Keep in mind that even very strong math students may take more than one academic year to complete the book if they do every problem and exercise.
  • Option 3: Arbor Algebra Sequence: Jousting Armadillos: A pre-algebra book based on Harold Jacobs’s well-respected algebra text. It is not as challenging as the AOPS texts, but still offers a solid introduction to algebraic concepts and may appeal to students who are more inclined toward the humanities.

Supplementary Materials

Other Resources

Late Intermediate (years 7 & 8)

Core Curriculum

  • Option 1: Math Mammoth 7 followed by Foerster’s Algebra: Level 7 is the last book in the Math Mammoth sequence, after which, the student should be prepared for high school level Algebra. Maria Miller, the author of the Math Mammoth series, has a very useful article about Algebra 1 options here.
  • Option 2: Art of Problem Solving Introduction to Algebra and Introduction to Geometry: Do not be surprised if even strong math students take more than one academic year to complete these texts, particularly if they diligently and carefully work through all of the problems.
  • Option 3: Arbor Algebra Sequence: Coconuts and Crocodiles and Chuckles the Rocket Dog: An engaging, text-heavy, solid two-year sequence that covers Algebra 1 and part of Algebra 2. They may be most appealing to students who are more inclined toward the humanities.

Supplementary Materials

Other Resources

Secondary Years (9 – 12)


Intermediate Algebra

Advanced Curriculum

Supplementary Materials

Other Resources